Native Woodland art & jewelry: a unique project by storyteller artist Zhaawano

Boozhoo, aaniin, biindigen! Hello, welcome! This page is being redirected.

Please click here to proceed to our brand new website, New Fisher Star Creations.com.

We're looking forward to seeing you over there!

A brief summary about what the New  Fisher Star Creations project  is about:

The website originally started out as a joined art project by Simone McLeod and Zhaawano Giizhik.

We are kindred artists and writers drawing from the same cultural background and decided to team up in the course of 2012.

Many unique and powerful stories and works of art have been created since then.

Although our collaboration CAME TO AN END in the course of 2019, the SPIRIT of our art and stories will REMAIN ALIVE and always SHINE THROUGH in the content of this website.

“Our art, stories, and poetry are a genre in themselves. Shined upon by the blessing light of the Fisher Star constellation that sparkles in the northern night sky, our creations, while breathing the ancient worldview of our Anishinaabe ancestors, are explicitly placed in the present, their subject matter always profoundly personal.”

Proceed to the renewed website